Cultivating Peace in the Midst of a Global Pandemic

Cultivating Peace in the Midst of a Global Pandemic

March 26, 2020

How to nurture yourself while sheltering in place during the COVID-19 pandemic...

Plant a victory garden

The tradition of victory gardens developed during World War I when residents of countries at war planted vegetables to supplement their rations. More than five million of these gardens were planted in the United States and produced more than $1.2 billion worth of food. During the global battle against COVID-19, consider adding some plant friends to your social circle. Whether it’s an outdoor garden, a grow room, or a few pots on a sunny countertop, a victory garden is guaranteed to boost your spirits—and could mean fewer trips to the grocery store.

Form a digital tribe

As we practice social distancing, it’s more important than ever to stay connected to those we love. Schedule weekly check-ins with core groups of friends and family, using a video conferencing app to get some much-needed facetime. Spice things up with digital dance parties, themes, costumes, quarantine bingo, hydrating face masks, and other creative ideas that can be enjoyed remotely.

Shape your sanctuary

Now is a great time to clear out and organize your garage, closet, kitchen, and that jam-packed drawer where you always put everything but never find anything. Creating space for work, exercise, cooking, and creativity helps to make these practices part of your daily routine.

Maintain a healthy diet

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and stay hydrated. Make the most of your increased time at home by cooking your own meals whenever possible. Dedicate an afternoon to conquering that labor-intensive recipe you've been intimidated by. The results—and the effort—can be so much more satisfying than take-out.

Keep moving

Schedule time for exercise on a daily basis, whether it’s tuning into a live stream exercise class, or doing a round of push-ups. A plethora of fitness professionals are offering free and discounted online programs to help jump-start or maintain your exercise routine. Physical activity releases endorphins, which relieve stress, as well as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, the feel-good brain chemicals. Focusing on your body’s movements will help take your mind off of worries and improve your overall well-being.

Learn something new

If you’ve always wanted to speak another language, become proficient in a software program, or study for your real estate license, now is your chance. Take this time to do computer-based programs that you’ve been putting off. Investing in yourself will build your skills and confidence, and could even lead to new business opportunities.

Connect with nature

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”-Aristotle

A healthy dose of sunlight is the best antidote for going stir crazy. Spending time in the backyard, on a balcony, or even opening a window is guaranteed to boost your spirits. Check out Method Seven’s SUNp lenses, which are optimized for outdoor use, and offer complete UV protection.

Be kind to yourself

Do something each day that brings you joy, whether it’s listening to music, taking a bath, reading a book, or making a tea latte. Though it’s productive to set goals, it’s also important to give yourself a break. Even if you didn’t complete 100 push-ups, congratulate yourself if you tried. Yes, you deserve a cookie.

Written by Aloe Driscoll

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