If you have a recreational or medical-licensed farm then we invite you to join our Licensed Farm discount program. The program includes special prices, products and support materials.
For more information on the licensed farm program, click here.
Licensed Farm Program
The Licensed Farm Program can help you outfit a multi-person crew with safety and color-correcting optics for working under any grow light conditions. This keeps your crew safe, and keeps a better eye on the harvest, including spotting pests and deficiencies. Most importantly; Method Seven has been the leader and innovator since 2011, and this shows your crew you care about their safety and happiness. Putting on Method Seven Optics is the fastest way to become a better grower and puts a smile on everyone’s face. We also have ANZI Z87 and CSA rated safety products that are specific for grow lights.
Method Seven Optics are engineered for the latest full-spectrum LED lights, including new technology with red diodes and UV in the blue spectrum. We continue to make the only crystal lenses for HPS lights, and of course, we cover the magenta spectrum LED, Metal Halide, and CMH lights. If you can grow with it, we have a solution for working with it.
Does my farm need to be huge enough to qualify?
No—we work with multi-State operators with hundreds of employees and mom-and-pop shops. If you have a license, we have you covered.
Why is wearing Method Seven Optics essential?
Because you shouldn’t grow blind, literally and figuratively. Artificial lights are amazing for plants but not great for the human eye. Our technology protects workers, balances the light spectrum, and lets everyone watch plants and equipment and move safely in the grow with minimal stress. Our Optics cut the strobe effect of HPS, we keep you safe from intense LED lights and from “seeing spots”. All this means less fatigue, less stress, and leaving the grow with your brain and eyes relaxed and with no cumulative damage.
Our Optics feature ANSI Z87+S and CSA Z94.3 safety ratings.
Wehave special coatings for shedding resin, and blocking infrared heat, and all protect from projectiles. Our lenses are designed and engineered in collaboration with M7 Labs and Carl Zeiss Vision Labs and independently third-party tested by Colt Laboratories. With manufacturing in Germany, Italy and Japan, Method Seven Optics are simply the best on the planet and the only lenses engineered for specific grow lighting environments. Don’t trust the cheap crap made by companies who have never seen a grow!
You will be provided a dedicated sales assistant who can assist you with your specific needs based on your lighting spectrum and size of your crew. Once comfortable with the various types of glasses best for your operation, you can also log in to your account via methodseven.com and purchase directly.