The helmet fits, you don't feel them, there's no hotspots. They're not polarized, so you can look inside and outside, even when we're flying into the sun they block out that glare. I have flown with all other brands of glasses in my 27 years as a Navy pilot, as a civilian aerobatic pilot, and as a commercial airline pilot, these are the best pair of glasses I have ever worn.
Scott Kartvedt is a professional pilot and President of the Blue Angel Foundation. He instructs and evaluates for United Airlines in Denver, Colorado, and is the number 5 pilot for the Patriot Jet Team. He also served as a stunt pilot in "Top Gun: Maverick" and was the aviation safety supervisor for "Mission Impossible 8."
Scott's career includes five combat tours, flying with the Blue Angels, and serving as the Navy’s first commanding officer of the only F-35C Stealth Strike Fighter Squadron. Inspired by "Top Gun," Scott pursued aviation after graduating from Pepperdine University, joining the naval aviator program and flying FA/18 Hornets.
Selected for the Blue Angels in 1999, he performed air shows for three seasons. He led VFA-83, earning multiple awards and flew 91 combat missions during five deployments, amassing over 6,300 flight hours and 658 carrier arrested landings.
Scott became an FA-18 instructor, participated in Iraq's "shock and awe" campaign in 2003, and served as Aide de Camp to the U.S. Northern and Pacific Commands. He commanded an FA-18 squadron with two tours in Afghanistan and later ran the Navy’s F-35 program, leading the first stealth fighter squadron. Though he retired in 2013, he joined the Patriots Jet Team, and continues his airshow and aviation career flying in major films.